Industrial First Aid Kits Tips

Read these 21 Industrial First Aid Kits Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Safety Products tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What types of safety supplies are available for emergencies?

Industrial Safety Supply In Case Of Emergencies

Protective clothing and equipment are obvious industrial safety supply items. Industrial safety supply items should also include first aid products in case medical attention on the job is necessary. Here are just a few of the first aid products that could help save a life or be useful for treating injuries on the spot.

CPR Microshield – When you need to perform emergency CPR, but there could be a chance of contamination, this kit offers the tools you need to perform resuscitation without the danger of inhalation from bodily fluids or breath.

First Aid Kit – Use this for treating everything from abrasions to minor sprains. The kits come available in packs to treat just eight people or as many as 50.

What Is an ANSI Standard First Aid Kit?

ANSI Standard First Aid Kits

ANSI stands for the American National Standards Institute. They publish a list of minimum standards for a variety of safety products. The prescribe a “minimum content requirement” for first aid kits that, while not a hard rule, is an excellent guideline for first aid materials. Their recommended kit should include -

  • (1) AN-146: 1"x3" Adhesive plastic bandages, 16/bx
  • (1) AN-205: 32 sq. in. Absorbent gauze compress, 1/bx
  • (1) AN-5071: Triangular sling/bandage, 1/bx
  • (1) AN-206: 3"x3" Gauze dressing pads, 4/bx
  • (1) AN-337: Antiseptic cleansing wipes (sting free), 10/bx
  • (1) AN-5111: 1/2"x2.5 yd. Adhesive tape, 2/bx
  • (1) AN-5112: Exam quality gloves, 2pr/bx
  • (1) AN-404: Burn relief packs, 6/bx
  • (1) B-503: 4"x5" Instant cold compress, 1/bx
  • (1) B-717: Sterile eye pads, 1 oz. eye wash, 1/2"x5 yd. first aid tape roll, 1/bx
  • (1) BK-009: 96 pg. AMA First Aid Guide booklet
ANSI standards are not mandatory but over 20 states have made their suggestions into state requirements. One feature of their recommendations that can be very helpful in an emergency situation is the use of colors. ANSI recommends the standardization of colors of bandages, antiseptics, burn remedies, etc. If adopted, it makes it easy for someone to immediately recognize the items they need in the event of an emergency.

What Items Should Be Included in a CPR First Aid Kit?

Items For a CPR First Aid Kit

The most important item in any CPR situation is a defibrillator, but most people either cannot afford to keep one in their home or office or are unfamiliar on how to use one. In lieu of this apparatus, the following items are recommended by OSHA for a CPR first aid kit.

  • M-5043: Rescue Breather CPR one-way valve face shield.
  • Exam quality gloves, 2 pairs
  • 5"x8" P.A.W.S. personal antimicrobial (kills germs) wipes
  • Alcohol prep pads
  • 5"x24" Biohazard bag, 5 gallon capacity
Many medical professionals would state that the single most important “item” in a CPR situation, is fast response. Statistics indicate that many CPR situations, if handled quickly, can result in countless numbers of saved lives. Whether your business is related to the construction industry or an office-oriented service business, CPR may be needed at any time. Having a usable first aid kit for CPR emergencies should make both staff and management more comfortable on a daily basis.

How Can I Be Sure I Have OSHA-Compliant First Aid Supplies on Hand?

OSHA-Compliant First Aid Supplies

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor, issues standards to ensure workplace safety and uses a large staff of inspectors to make site checks to verify that their standards are being followed. OSHA has the ability to mandate fines for employers that ignore these safety standards.

OSHA has published Federal OSHA Regulation Standard 1910.151.b: which states that "adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available" in the workplace to treat minor injuries. Compliance is important on both a federal (30 states follow these guidelines) and state (22 states use a combined federal and state guideline regulation) level. By purchasing an OSHA-compliant or ANSI industrial first aid package, employers can have confidence they have satisfied the regulations and, more importantly, have adequate items on hand to treat most minor emergencies.

Along with supplies to treat every day occurrences, employers should consider companion kits designed to treat other emergencies, such as blood borne pathogen, personal protection, and CPR situations. Once again, whether certified as OSHA or ANSI compliant first aid kits, these packages will contain sufficient supplies to treat from 1 to 50 employees as needed.

Does OSHA Recommend or Offer First Aid Kits?

OSHA Recommended First Aid Kits

OSHA recommends First Aid kits from its website. In fact, they mention a variety of specialty kits for different purposes. They offer

  • All purpose kits.
  • Auto kits.
  • Outdoor kits.
  • Home shop safety kits.
  • Sports medicine kits.
  • CPR kits.
  • Disaster and survival kits.
They also offer information about and industrial first aid and safety kits, stations, and cabinets for use in the workplace. If you're not sure what items should be included in an industrial first aid kit, visit the OSHA website and learn what you need to know. Depending on your type of business, you can also get information on how to equip burn kits, blood borne pathogen items, and germicidal solutions to further protect your workers. CPR solutions can be a critical element of your first aid supplies, and OSHA has solid information regarding things you should have on your premises to help employees in need.

Why are first aid kits important?

The Importance Of First Aid Kits

A business or industry should not only have a first aid kit because they are required to do so by law, but rather because they believe how important it is to take care of their employees.

In the event of an injury, someone trained to administer it should carry out first aid. Items in the first aid kit such as bandages or gauze dressings can be used over cuts.

A first aid kit is also useful in the event of a foreign object or chemical entering the eyes. They will usually contain an eye wash bottle to rinse the eyes.

The third reason why it is important to have a first aid kit is because they enable someone who is injured, to be quickly treated with basic first aid, before they can be properly treated at the local hospital. Therefore in an emergency situation, it is recommended someone knows where the nearest first aid kit is located and how to use the contents within it.

How do I maintain a first aid kit?

Maintenance Of First Aid Kits

It is necessary for the person responsible to perform regular first aid kit maintenance. This is particularly necessary, especially if the first aid kit is used often.

Standard maintenance of a first aid kit involves inspecting and replacing the contents of the kit with fresh supplies. A systematic approach to maintaining a first aid kit is suggested:

· Inspect the outside of the kit for any signs of damage and replace the unit if it is falling apart.

· Remove any used or expired supplies located within the first aid kit.

· Using a standard list of contents inside the first aid kit, inspect inside to ensure the correct amount of supplies and equipment is available.

· If all the supplies are not available, replenish the kit based on the standard list of items it should contain.

· Ensure all of the correct materials and equipment are returned to the kit, close it, and note the date and time in which maintenance was completed.

Do you have any advice on compiling a first aid kit?

Compiling A First Aid Kit

Depending on the where they are used, first aid kits should adhere to ANSI Z308.1-1998 – “Minimum Requirements For Workplace First-aid Kits,” when compiling them.

When choosing a cabinet, container, or bag for your first aid kit, it is best to decide if it will be stationary or portable unit. If the first aid kit is going to be stationary unit, a cabinet mounted on a wall will suffice. However, for a portable first aid kit, there is everything available from a small nylon bag to a medium-size cart on wheels.

It is advisable to make sure portable units used outside, be waterproof and durable to withstand being dropped.

Pet first-aid kits are the cat’s meow

Where there's life, there's risk

You don't have to be Dr. Doolittle to speak to your pet's needs when it is hurting. All you need is a little love and a first-aid kit designed by veterinarians. These kits often include care cards that provide critical information, such as emergency treatments, pulse rate information and CPR instructions. A quality pet first aid kit will also provide heavy-duty protection items to deal with gunshot wounds or snake bites. So when you are putting together a first aid kit for your family, don't forget to make one for Fido too.

Should I stock up on first aid kit supplies?

Stock Up On First Aid Kit Supplies

Supplies for your first aid kit should be readily available in the event of an emergency. A few workplaces, with first aid kits, will buy supplies as the items are removed from the kit. However, it is a good idea to consider buying bulk supplies for your first aid kit.

By buying your supplies in bulk, it will be cheaper to maintain the contents of your first aid kit, and replenish it quickly as items are used. It might seem money is being saved by buying items as they are used from the first aid kit, but this is not true, for two reasons. First, the financial costs of ordering bulk supplies is cheaper for each item ordered, and second, the safety costs of not having supplies on hand in case of an emergency involving a larger number of people. In both instances, the financial and safety costs of not having enough supplies cannot be disputed.

Can first aid kits be classified under ANSI?

ANSI Classification Of First Aid Kits

There are three main types of kits for you to choose from according to the ANSI classification of first aid kits. The standard Type I first aid kits are to be used indoors, in areas where the kit will not be moved, and where there is little threat of it becoming damaged. Examples of where a Type I first aid kit would be found is in an office building.

Type II first aid kits are to be used indoors. However, these kits can be moved, and should follow the ANSI recommendation for carrying handles, as well as pass the “drop test.” The “drop test” ensures if the Type II kit falls or is dropped, the kit will be durable enough to withstand it. Example of an area where Type II first aid kits would be used is in general manufacturing.

Type III first aid kits are portable like Type II kits, and should withstand the “drop test.” However Type III first aid kits are mainly used outside in areas where there is the risk for it to be damaged. As a result, the first aid kit should be made of material that is resistant to weather and temperature changes. Type III first aid kits should be able to be mounted on a wall, if the need arises. An example of where a Type III first aid kit can be found is in the construction industry.

How important is a first aid kit?

Two class system

As the saying goes, it's better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Unless you conduct your life near an emergency room, chances are a first aid kit will be a very useful lifestyle accessory. Safety experts recommend keeping at least two home first-aid kits around in case of emergency. They also recommend having a first-aid kit for your pets. You can purchase basic, intermediate and advanced-type first-aid kits for both home and industrial use at pharmacies, medical supply stores, workplace suppliers and on the internet.

How Do I Store First Aid Kits?

Storage Of First Aid Kits

For portable first aid kits, storing them in a proper place until the kits are used is essential. However in this tip, storage of a first aid kit does not mean placing it in the bottom of a box at the back of a cupboard.

Instead, a first aid kit should be stored in a location that is easy accessible. In the event of an emergency, such as a chemical splashing into eyes, every second is important before first aid is administered.

Therefore, the best place to keep your first aid kit is an area within your workplace, which is easily accessible to everyone, and free from moisture and heat.

What OSHA regulations are available for safety kits?

OSHA Regulations Regarding First Aid Kits

The federally published OSHA regulations entitled, “Medical Services and First Aid – 29 CFR 1910.151,” describes the necessary guidelines for providing first aid in an industrial setting. More specifically “Medical Services and First Aid – 29 CFR 1910.151(b),” states that someone who administers first aid to employees or coworkers should be trained to properly do so. The regulation continues by declaring, “Adequate first aid supplies shall be readily available.”

These OSHA regulations are used as a guideline for employees and staff on the use and proper administration of first aid.

Is it expensive to buy first aid kits in bulk?

The Price Of First Aid Kits

First aid kits are quite affordable, regardless of what size kit is purchased, and can be purchased in plastic or metal containers, with the price being slightly higher for a metal case.

A kit for ten people would sell for $11-$20, while a metal first aid kit for twenty-five people, has a price of $25. First aid kits for ten and twenty-five people are used to administer first aid when the emergency is not serious.

The price increases for a kit for thirty-five people to $33, and a kit for fifty people would cost $44. The first aid kit for fifty people is useful in an area such as a large workplace. The kits for thirty-five and fifty people contain equipment to administer CPR.

How can I prepare my workplace for a major emergency?

Equip yourself for life's little emergencies

When it comes to emergency preparedness, an industrial strength first aid kit is obviously a good start. More important, however, is having a preparedness program in place that will minimize the damage should disaster strike. According to most experts, here are a few basic steps to establish an effective first aid program.
Keep a fully stocked emergency first aid kit on hand, and keep it supplied. Check the kit periodically and resupply as needed. Also, make sure everybody knows where it is.

*Put up first-aid posters
*Train employees in first aid
*Display emergency contact information where everybody can see it.
*Prepare a written emergency plan and make sure everybody knows it.
*Assign someone to be in charge of your emergency preparedness

The bottom line is, plan ahead, plan intelligently, and your workplace will be able to handle any emergency.

Are Discount First Aid Kits Available?

Discount First Aid Kits

There are various large businesses, which choose to buy discount first aid kits. First aid kits are not expensive, but if a large number of kits are purchased, they are even cheaper.

It is good sense to buy discount first aid kits when a large quantity is needed. To find first aid kits, which are available at a discount, call your regular store where you have bought these kits before, and enquire if they have a discounted price for buying a certain number of kits.

If your local store is unable to offer discounted first aid kits, a search online can show the many vendors offering selling these items. Discount first aid kits will provide a cheaper alternative to paying the full price.

How are ANSI standards different from the OSHA rgulations?

The American National Standard Institute (ANSI)

The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) is a private facility, which publishes safety standards on the way industries and workplaces should conduct themselves and operate in a safe manner.

ANSI differs from OSHA in its standards of practice in regards to first aid kits. ANSI provides the exact requirements a first aid kit should contain, however this is in not in contrast to the OSHA standards on first aid kits, which gives out a more general statement on first aid kits.

The ANSI standard entitled, ANSI Z308.1-1998 – “Minimum Requirements For Workplace First-Aid Kits,” outlines the supplies and equipment, two be placed inside of a first aid kit. The ANSI standard Z308.1-1998 also provides a classification of first aid kits based on their intended use.

What goes into an industrial first-aid kit?

The cat's me--ow!

There are probably as many industrial first-aid kits as there are workplace hazards. The contents of any industrial kit will vary according to industry or profession. Firefighters and bio-tech workers will require different first-aid items than a librarian or a teacher. All should contain basic bandages, topical treatments, and pain relievers. Industrial first aid kits are sold in sizes according to the number of workers in the company. The emergency first aid kit you select for your workplace will depend on the kind of work that is done and the number of people on the job.

What does the typical home first-aid kit contain?

Different kits for different jobs

According to most experts, the basic first-aid kit should contain most or all of the following:Dressings, adhesive bandage strips, sterile dressings (consisting of an absorbent pad attached to a roller bandage), butterfly bandages, elastic bandages, hypoallergenic adhesive tape, roller bandages, sterile cotton balls, sterile patches, sterile gauze pads, sterile non-adherent pads, triangular bandages. Instruments you will need include Blunt-tipped scissors, tweezers, and bulb syringe. Other equipment includes Sterile swabs (made of cotton or similar)eye cup or small plastic cup, instant-acting chemical cold packs, paper cups, space blanket, non-latex disposable gloves, disposable apron, CPR Microshield, or other breathing barrier, thermometer, medication, activated charcoal, antiseptic wipes or antiseptic solution, antiseptic/anesthetic ointment or spray, calamine/antihistamine lotion, sterile eye wash,syrup of ipecac, painkillers like Aspirin or Acetaminophen.

What Should I Have in a Basic First Aid Kit for the Home and Family?

Contents of a Basic First Aid Kit for the Home and Family

Whether you purchase a ready made kit or make your own, the Red Cross recommends the items you should have for an all-purpose first aid kit for home use. You can also find kits that are designed for different activities, such as camping, boating, hiking, and other activities. The important issue is to make sure it has all the items you may need. Check your kit regularly for those things that have a “shelf life”. For instance, make sure the flashlight batteries work. Check all expiration dates and replace any items whose shelf life has passed. The Red Cross recommends that all first aid family first aid kits include:

  • 2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches)
  • 25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)
  • 1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch)
  • 5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram)
  • 5 antiseptic wipe packets
  • 2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each)
  • 1 blanket (space blanket)
  • 1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve)
  • 1 instant cold compress
  • 2 pair of non-latex gloves (size: large)
  • 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each)
  • Scissors
  • 1 roller bandage (3 inches wide)
  • 1 roller bandage (4 inches wide)
  • 5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches)
  • 5 sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches)
  • Oral thermometer (non-mercury/nonglass)
  • 2 triangular bandages
  • Tweezers
  • First aid instruction booklet
Also include at least one good flashlight, a battery powered radio, and any specific medications members of your family might need in an emergency situation. This kit should serve as excellent protection under first aid necessary conditions.

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