Most Important Considerations with Shoe Covers

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What Is the Most Important Consideration with Shoe Covers?

Most Important Considerations with Shoe Covers

The most important consideration when deciding on shoe covers depends on the workplace environment you inhabit. As with most personal protective equipment (PPE), the type of item you use is first based on the potential hazard(s) you face during the work day.

If you are in the construction industry, your primary concern is usually the danger posed by either impact or compression of your feet and toes. Heavy building materials and motorized construction equipment can pose serious threats to your body, including your feet. You want either footwear or boot covers that include steel or other hard shell toe protection along with sturdy safeguards for your feet and ankles. Avoiding accident or injury through care and diligence is most important. But, situations will occur when proper safety shoe covers will protect you against direct compression threats.

Should you work in a medical, laboratory, clean room, chemical, or emergency response environment, the hazards you face are more diverse and complicated. Most often you will use disposable shoe covers which are gathered from a shoe cover dispenser on site. The two important considerations for you: What specific hazards do you face? What level of non-slip bottom protection do you need?

If you face liquid biohazards or other toxic substances, you want different safety shoe covers than if you face dry particulate threats. If the floor of your workplace is often covered with water or other non-toxic liquid, you'll need better non-skid protection using ribbed rubber or a similar design for the soles of your shoe or boot covers.

Therefore, know precisely what hazards you face. Then, make sure you use the best shoe covers that meet or exceed ANSI and OSHA standards for protection. When you are protected and comfortable, your workday will be much more pleasant and productive.



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