Medical Shoe Covers

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What Protection Is Offered by Medical Shoe Covers?

Medical Shoe Covers

Medical shoe covers serve a variety of purposes in hospital, medical office, laboratory, surgical, and emergency response situations. Their first priority is protecting the wearer from potential hazards that may be generated by other people, objects, or general circumstances. A second priority is the protection of others from hazards that might emanate from the wearer. Their third priority is preventing contamination of the site by the wearer, who may have substances on his/her shoes that might prove damaging to the room or place involved.

Protective shoe covers fulfill their jobs in a variety of designs. If your environment faces dry contaminants or particles, Tyvek shoe covers are an excellent choice as they repel all manner of particulates successfully. If you could be exposed to bio-hazards in the form of spills, you might select safety shoe covers that provide strong external protection to pathogens while retaining a good non-slip surface underneath. Should you face dangerous but non-toxic liquid, shoe and boot covers with strong non-skid bottoms. Using different materials for different situations, medical and surgical shoe covers protect both wearer and patient from hazards present in various situations.



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